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Stand Up Against Racism and Injustice Fund

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When Solidariedade Na Mokili team met to discuss the tragedy of injustice overtaking America, these were the words ( Love. Pain. Solidarity. Fear. Togetherness. Frustration. Disappointment. Anger. Betrayal. Trust. Despondency. Hope. Action ) we spoke and the scope of our emotions. But one thing was appallingly clear: George Floyd’s inexcusable death was a spark applied to a field that has burst into flame. And the words “I can’t breathe,” ignored by the Minneapolis police officers, have deep meaning to thousands upon thousands of Black people and their allies. We cannot stay silent in the face of racial injustice whether it is within our own communities or outside of them. No one should feel threatened or afraid because of the color of their skin, or who they are, or who they choose to be. We all have a responsibility to end discrimination and intolerance — and to seek justice, reconciliation, and healing. We stand with the family of George Floyd and the countless other families and communities who have suffered discrimination, hatred or racial violence. At Solidariedade Na Mokili, we believe that #BlackLivesMatter and we support the ongoing struggles in cities and towns across America to seek positive change and redress deep imbalances. Now, we the people, who have a legitimate claim to even greater and more righteous societal power — our voices and our votes — must not be afraid to use it either. Our actions, both individually and collectively, can make a difference, especially now. SOLIDARIEDADE NA MOKILI, a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible. EIN:82-4685492. Spread your random acts of kindness. Double your impact by inspiring others. Feel good, pass it on. Reminder: Employees submit match requests for monetary donations

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